A Man After God’s Heart

“You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you…now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler of His people…” 1 Samuel 13:13-14 (NIV)

In today’s devotion, we reach the end of the conversation between Saul and Samuel. Samuel’s rebuke marked a turning point in Saul’s political ambitions, signalling the end of his reign as king. God had chosen another man, someone who possessed a heart aligned with His own. Despite this, Saul’s rule continued for another 20 years before officially ending and leaving no successor. 

As king, it is typical to establish a dynasty where one’s descendants succeed to the throne, but God informed Saul that his lineage would not reign after him. His sin was significant! Disobeying God, no matter how small the matter, is still a sin against the Almighty. 

While Saul was rejected by God, however, Israel was not. Out of His love for the nation, God raised up a new king, someone after His own heart — David. Saul catered to the desires of the people, focusing on image, prestige, and worldly things. In contrast, God gave Israel a king who prioritised His will. David also sinned against God, but the Kingdom was not taken away from him or his descendants. Why? He always sought to align his heart with God’s.

Brothers, a person after God’s heart honours the LORD above all else. Saul prioritised his own will, whereas David recognised the primacy of God’s will. Even when David failed to fulfill God’s Will, he still acknowledged its importance. 

A person after God’s heart enthrones God as the true king. For Saul, his own kingship took precedence, but for David, it was the LORD God who reigned. Both understood the significance of making sacrifices before battles, but David saw it to please and honour God, while Saul viewed it to secure victory for himself. Saul believed that God would assist him in achieving his goals, whereas David saw God as the goal. 

A person after God’s heart possesses a tender, repentant heart. When confronted with his sin, Saul made excuses, whereas David confessed and repented. 

A person after God’s heart loves others. Saul became increasingly bitter and self-centered, but David genuinely cared for people. Even in his lowest moments, David continued to love and serve those who were even more unfortunate (1 Samuel 22:2)

The LORD sought a person after His own heart, and He found this unlikely candidate in David, who was not yet a man at the time. God continues to seek individuals, both men, and women, whose hearts align with His. If we have the same heart as David, despite our sins, we can love and pursue God with the same intensity and devotion.


Lord, this day, I pray that I will pursue You. Help me to walk with integrity so I will not pursue my own agenda but Yours. Help me, Lord, to be a person after Your heart. In Jesus’s name, Amen. 

Read: 1 Samuel 22:1-2; 2 Samuel 12:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 69:13-28; Acts 1:1-22; 2 Samuel 3:22-39; 2 Samuel 4; 2 Samuel 5:1-5


  1. Jay

    Wonderful reading. Brings home the reminder of the true qualities that God desires in us. Well said!

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